3CR FAQ (current as of 4/14/21)

Q1: Where do I find the HOA's CC&Rs, Road Guidelines, MDC Guidelines, Gate Guidelines, and HOA Rules online?

A1: All documents are posted on the HOA's website in .pdf, downloadable format. For CC&Rs, click the Documents tab on the website's menu and select Legal/CC&Rs. For all guidelines and rules, click the Documents tab on the website's menu and select Guidelines/Forms.

Q2: How do I keep up with the latest happenings in the HOA?

A2: Check the website regularly. All quarterly board meetings are scheduled several months in advance and meeting dates and agendas are posted on the website's main page. Announcements for open seats on the Board of Directors are also posted on the main page, as well as committees asking for volunteers, gate info, traffic info, and other announcements. Also, check the Meeting Minutes under the Documents tab on the website's menu to read about what occurs at the quarterly board meetings. Check the Information tab on the website's menu for other important HOA info. We are working to build a comprehensive member email list so that, in the future, we can send out timely HOA info via email.

Q3: How do I determine in which section of 3 Canyons I live?

A3: Check the up-to-date section maps that are posted under the Maps tab on the website menu.

Q4: How do I contact my section's HOA board rep or an HOA committee?

A4: Check the Contact Us tab on the website's menu for a current list of the Board of Directors by section and a list of all committee members. Contact info for each person is provided. The contact list is typically updated twice a year or as needed.

Q5: Whom do I contact to update my HOA mailing address to ensure I receive my annual assessment bill and ballot?

A5: Contact the HOA Management Company, who administers the members' information database. Call 520-623-2324 or email .

Q6: Whom do I contact about my HOA account balance?

A6: Contact the HOA Management Company, who administers the members' accounts and collects payments. Call 520-623-2324 or email .

Q7: Can I pay my annual assessment and/or other fees by making partial payments?

A7: No. The CC&Rs (§ 7.9) state that payments shall be provided in full for the member's account balance.

Q8: How are HOA annual assessments calculated for each property?

A8: The process is stated in the CC&Rs (§ 6.1). Simplified, here's how assessments are figured: The formula used to calculate the annual assessments is based on the number of memberships held by each owner. Each full acre of land owned equals one membership and one membership for each one hundred (100) square feet of residential dwelling (including guest house). Example: A member owns 8 acres on which there is a 2500 square foot residence; the member has 33 (8 + 25) memberships; the 33 memberships are multiplied by the current assessment rate set annually by the Board of Directors.

Q9: When are annual assessment payments due to the HOA, and when are late fees added?

A9: All assessments are due in full by July 1 of every year. After a 15-day grace period, if the balance is unpaid, a flat 10% of the assessment is applied as a one-time late fee. If the balance is unpaid as of August 1, interest begins to be accrued at the rate of 18%. The late fee and interest are set forth in CC&Rs (§ 7.8).

Q10: How do I submit a financial and/or a variance appeal to the Board of Directors?

A10: Both appeal forms can be found n the website Documents tab under "Guidelines/Forms."

Q11: How do I obtain a member in good standing letter for my lender?

A11: A member in good standing letter can be obtained from the HOA administrator, by either written request or email request, by submitting it to: 3 Canyons Master Homeowners' Association, PO Box 1419, Tucson, AZ 85732, or .

Q12: Who can waive late fees and interest on my account?

A12: Members have the option of appealing late fees and interest to the Board of Directors only after the member's balance is paid and they are a member in good standing. Members who wish to appeal should fill out and sign the financial appeal form posted on the website, under the Guidelines/Forms tab on the website menu and follow the instructions on the form for submitting in the appropriate time frame before the next scheduled board meeting.

Q13: How do I get a neighborhood mailbox (cluster mailbox) installed by the U.S. Post Office?

A13: The process takes time and diligence. The MDC Guidelines, section #10, states: Cluster Mailboxes ‐ The member shall submit a completed MDC Checklist depicting the location, size, style, and color of a USPS‐approved cluster mailbox. The submission shall also include written approval from the Hereford Post Office regarding the mailbox type and location. Mailboxes shall not encroach upon the 3C Road easement and other rights of way. The MDC Checklist is posted under the Documents tab on the website's menu (select Guidelines/Forms.). The checklist is also available on the MDC tab of the webste menu. MDC Checklist instruction can be found in section #4 of the MDC Guidelines. The process involves speaking to the Hereford Post Office and speaking to neighbors, to include those who own the property that includes the potential site for the mailbox.

Q14: I just moved to 3 Canyons, where can I find info on utilities and other services?

A14: Each section of 3 Canyons is served by different utility companies and service providers. Talk to your neighbors, or contact your section rep on the Board of Directors (see the Contact Us tab on the website's menu) for specific inquiries. Here is a partial listing of service providers in the 3 Canyons area (varies by section). This list may be updated occasionally.

Waste Disposal, 520-895-3441
Waste Management, 855-211-6556
San Pedro Valley Sanitation, 520-720-4100
Sulfur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative (SSVEC), 520-458-4691
Arizona Public Service (APS), 602-371-7171
Water (western-most end of 3 Canyons only; all other on well):
Liberty Water, 520-378-3025
HPAZ, 520-732-2208
Century Link, 866-963-6665
CIS, 520-458-0293
Cox, 800-234-3993
Propane Gas:
GM Propane, 520-456-8813
Barnett Propane, 520-458-4541
Amerigas, 520-378-2326

Q15: When expecting visitors, service people, deliveries, etc., is there a way to open the gate without giving out my gate code?

A15: Yes. There is a gate phone access system. This system allows members and authorized users to remotely open the gates for entry. Visitors can scroll through the list of names at the incoming gate call box, locate the name of the member, and pushes the CALL button (the member's number does not show up). The member answers, determines if they wish to allow the person into the gate, and pushes the 9 (nine) button on the member's phone, a tone sounds at the gate, and the gate opens. If the member cannot identify the caller, the member will simply hang up the receiver without pushing any buttons. The call disconnects, and the gate will not open.
A 3-digit code (separate from the gate access code) is also assigned to each member listed in the directory, which can be given out to visitors. The visitor can enter the 3-digit code and push the CALL button instead of scrolling through the directory for the member's name. To be listed in the directory, eamil the .

Q16: What is the Master Design Committee (MDC)?

A16: The MDC is a group of volunteers from among HOA property owners, typically representing each section and approved by the Board of Directors. The MDC assists prospective and fellow property owners with understanding and complying with the CC&Rs, HOA Rules, and MDC Guidelines (all published on the HOA website). MDC members will gladly assist members with their requests for new home builds, home additions, changes to their home exterior, fences, etc. The MDC is also tasked with determining and reporting member violations, assessing fines, and other appropriate actions.

Q17: I am a Three Canyons property owner. Do I have to comply with the CC&Rs and other governing documents (HOA Rules, MDC Guidelines, Road Guidelines, Gate Guidelines)?

A17: Yes. Fees may be imposed for infractions.

Q18: I am NOT a Three Canyons property owner. Do I have to comply with the CC&Rs and other governing documents (HOA Rules, MDC Guidelines, Road Guidelines, Gate Guidelines)?

A18: We hope that you will. However, property owners are ultimately responsible for all violations that occur on their property; including infractions committed by guests, tenants, or contractors in accordance with CC&Rs (§ 4.2).

Q19: For what type of projects do I need MDC pre-approval?

A19: No building, fence, wall, or other structure or improvement shall be commenced, improved, or altered without MDC approval. All improvements, alterations, repairs, excavation, grading, landscaping, or other work which alters the exterior appearance of any property within 3 Canyons in any way, except as otherwise expressly provided in the CC&Rs and governing documents, requires prior MDC approval. Members are highly encouraged to review the CC&Rs (especially § 4) and other governing documents for specific details and exceptions prior to planning their projects.

Q20: How do I submit my projects to the MDC for review?

A20: Project requests are submitted via a completed MDC Checklist (found here). Depending upon the scope of your project, additional supporting documents may also be required as specified by the Checklist. The MDC Guidelines provide step‐by‐step instructions for the process. Complete, signed applications may either be mailed to the Master Design Committee at P.O. Box 778, Hereford, Arizona 85615 or emailed to the . Email is preferred.

Q21: Is there a cost to submit project requests to the MDC?

A21: There is no cost for submitting a request to the MDC, except for construction of a new residence, guesthouse, or home addition to an existing residence/guesthouse. At the time of application, members shall send a check to the 3 Canyons Treasurer for a new construction deposit of $1000. The construction deposit will be returned (less a $200 administrative fee) after construction is completed and verified to be in compliance with the CC&Rs and other governing documents.

Q22: How long does it take to obtain approval for my MDC project request?

A22: Project applications are considered during the MDC monthly meeting; dates, times, and locations are published on the HOA website. Complete applications, including all supporting and relevant documents, must be received by the MDC Chair no later than 7 days prior to the scheduled meeting. This deadline is necessary to allow time to conduct a preliminary review, seek a legal opinion as needed, and prepare and disseminate copies to MDC members for their review and research. Members will be provided an official decision letter by the MDC Chair, typically no later than 3 days following the MDC meeting.

Q23: What if I disagree with the MDC's decision on my request?

A23: The MDC decision to approve or disapprove a project is based upon whether it complies with CC&Rs and other governing documents. The MDC does not have the authority to waive any mandated requirements. However, members may request an exception by submitting an appeal (also called request for a variance) directly to the Board of Directors. The appeal form can be found here.

Q24: How do I get help with my MDC request?

A24: We realize some members may find this process a bit daunting, especially the first time. Consequently, the MDC published a document called the MDC Guidelines that provides a brief overview of the application and review process. It includes simple how‐to steps for some of the most common projects. Please research this document, and if you have questions, the HOA encourages members to contact an MDC committee member.

Q25: What are the height restrictions on structures built in 3 Canyons?

A25: The maximum height for structures allowed per CC&Rs (§ 4.3.5) is 15 feet, with exceptions as follows: One residence, one guesthouse, and one barn may exceed 15 feet in height provided the highest point on such structure (including without limitation: peaks, parapets, screening, heating, or cooling equipment and antennas) does not exceed 30 feet in height. Walls and fences are limited to 6 feet in height. Windmills, which are only allowed on 40 acre-sized parcels or larger, may not exceed 40 feet in height.

Q26: How many structures can be built on a property in 3 Canyons?

A26: Per CC&Rs (§ 4.3.8), no lot may contain any buildings, sheds, or similar structures except for one residence, one guest house within 50 feet of said residence, one storage shed not to exceed 600 square feet (1,200 square feet on a lot with at least 8 acres) and 12 feet in height within 50 feet of said residence, and, in the case of a lot of at least 8 acres, one barn. This does not apply to lots that are 36 acres or larger.

Q27: How many horses are allowed on a property in 3 Canyons?

A27: Per CC&Rs (§ 4.2.4.c), the minimum lot size allowed for horses is 8 acres. Up to 3 horses are allowed on an 8 acre parcel. See CC&Rs (§ 4.2.4.c) for additional information for larger parcels/lots.